How to wash clothes with the Scrubba wash bag
The Scrubba wash bag is the best way to wash clothes anywhere, whether you are backpacking, camping, on holiday, or needing to hand-wash at home.
With the Scrubba wash bag, you can achieve a machine-quality wash in just minutes. It's as simple as adding water, clothes, and cleaning liquid, closing the bag and deflating it. Rub the clothes against the inner washboard for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, rinse, and hang to dry.

Care and Maintenance
Your Scrubba wash bag will last much longer if you look after it.
Following the instructions below will maximise the life-span of your Scrubba wash bag.
- Rinse and turn the Scrubba wash bag inside-out to dry after each use:
While the Scrubba wash bag uses microbial and hydrolysis resistant polyether TPU, air drying the inside of the bag will help it last longer and make it more hygienic.
Avoid exposure to heat or sunlight:
Exposure to temperatures over 50°C (122°F) or sunlight can damage the inner and outer coatings of the Scrubba wash bag. Where possible dry the bag in the shade (it doesn't take long).
- Take care when washing clothes with zips, buckles or other hard features:
Wrapping the clothes to cover zips, buckles or other hard features can minimise
damage to the Scrubba wash bag.
Avoid sharp or abrasive surfaces
While the Scrubba wash bag is designed to tackle rough terrain, where possible select the least abrasive surface available to use the Scrubba wash bag on. Abrasive surfaces can accelerate the wear and tear of the Scrubba wash bag. As with all waterproof products, try to clear sharp twigs and other objects from area to avoid puncture.

Used by over 450,000!
Over 450,000 travellers, campers, home-users, backpackers, hikers and holiday makers have now experienced firsthand the quality wash our internal flexible washboard delivers. Shop the range to see what Scrubba suits you best.